Resources for FRCS Trainees

Below is a list of resources requested from the surgical trainees from the Mersey specialist training and education committee (STEC)


Atlas of Surgical Techniques in Trauma by Demitrios Demetriades. 2nd ed. 2020 - To access online - click here, then click login and tap on 'Access through NHS in England', you'll be then prompted to login with your LUHFT OpenAthens account. If you haven't got an OpenAthens account, register here - 

Core Topics in General & Emergency Surgery: A Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice
To access online – copy and paste the book title into the Knowledge & Library Hub search box  - You'll be prompted to log in via your LUHFT OpenAthens account. If asked to find your institution, please select Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Cracking the intercollegiate general surgery FRCS viva 
To access online – copy and paste the book title into the Knowledge & Library Hub search box  - You'll be prompted to log in via your LUHFT OpenAthens account. If asked to find your institution, please select Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Behind the knife absite podcast companion - print book coming soon

Online Resources

Behind the knife podcast - a comprehensive surgery education platform 

Roux group FRCS Revision

Web education section - from the British Society of Gastroenterology

First incision - Amanda Nikolic


Online MCQ databases

- General Surgery Revision Companion

eFRCS - Online revision for the intercollegiate FRCS

Online Question Bank For the FRCS General Surgery Exam - See free non-MCQ section


Anatomy & Physiology Resource


Answering the need for better understanding of human anatomy

Provides 3D models (built from real scan data) as well as text, slides and video clips. Featuring 3D Atlas, 3D Realtime and Functional Anatomy and Therapy it provides a comprehensive view of all anatomical regions:

  • You can rotate and add or remove pre-defined layers
    of anatomy
  • You can add arteries, veins, nerves and lymph in any
    combination to any 3D model
  • It guides you through movement and exercise
    You can test your knowledge by taking interactive

Login to Anatomy.TV via OpenAthens (please remember to logout after each session as we only have 5 concurrent user licences)

Medical Education & Clinical Teaching

If you're involved in clinical teaching events and need to capture your attendance or feedback, please click the link below.

click here...