Group Programmes and Session Resources

Preceptee Group Allocations

You should receive an email from the Preceptorship lead confirming your position on the Preceptorship programme and instructing you of your group allocation. 

If you have not received an email, or have been unable to access the content, please contact, or discuss with your line manager.

Group Programmes and Session Resources

For details and a description of each session within the programme (including relevance to specific roles) and supporting resources, please refer to -

Preceptorship – Education & Training Session Break-down

Group Programmes June 2022

Preceptorship Programme June 2022 - Group A

Preceptorship Programme June 2022 - Group B

Preceptorship Programme June 2022 - Group C


Safeguarding Level 3 dates for 2022

Safeguarding Adults Level 3 - March to June 2022

Safeguarding Adults Level 3 - June to September 2022

Safeguarding Children Level 3 - March to October 2022

Medical Education & Clinical Teaching

If you're involved in clinical teaching events and need to capture your attendance or feedback, please click the link below.

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